Thursday, August 23, 2012

Halographic Decor

The Next Generation of Decorating
Lets imagine if we could do virtual previews of how we want our new living room to be designed. With one click of a button *PReSTO!* instant transformation of that once boring room into the fun festive party scence for the next game, or a calm soothing atmosphere for our parents visit this weekend. Wouldn't life just be grand?

Make your own photo slideshow at Animoto.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

News of the Future

Toothpaste/Toothbrush NO MORE:
In studying future innovations, I came across a unique invention. I like to refer to it as ‘Dentist in a Bottle’. This I find quite interesting because of the trend for many fast quick inventions of today, such as speech to text so that you do not have to type the words. I would have never imagined that the idea of decreasing the amount of time spent paying attention to dental care would be effected. Cutting back on the amount of times needed to brush as well as taking out the amount of effort it takes to brush with a simple 10-30 rinsing approach would be very handy for us on the go individuals of today.

The author of the article touches on how this innovation could have little to no effect on the dental job market. The predictions are that the natural attrition thru retirement will be replenished by a younger workforce along with an increased job market due to the newer technological advances. Also because we are all human, there will be some who will not use the product as directed and will still suffer from minor to major dental problems.

Although I have never been one big on the dental industry, I found this article to be very interesting. The predictions that are amongst us are wide-ranged with endless possibilities. I hope that you found this innovation as interesting and insightful as I did.

Preventing Forces:
These are the top three forces that I feel may prevent this innovation from being successful:

Financial – slow to adopt due to the increased cost (20%) for the product without any decreased dental expense because regular checkups are still advised.

Governmental – there may be some side effects that may have to be fully addressed for the safety of human consumption. The proper studies must be done in order to identify all of the probable effects and reduce as many of the negatives one as possible.

Psychological – there may be some push back from consumers due to the habitual nature of brushing being installed in our mindsets. Often we have been told that brushing is not enough therefore there may be a lot of initial resistance to the concept.

 View full article at:

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

New Agora Analysis

New Agora Analysis
I would like to first start off by restating my innovation idea: 3D holographic décor. This would allow consumers to change the décor of any room in the home or office virtually at any time. The items created would be fully functional as if they were traditional solid state furniture and artwork of today.
For the purpose of the article review, ontology is viewed as a set of ideas/theories within a specific domain and the relationship between those ideas/theories. Structured Process Design Ontologies can be used as a structured method for frame working information. The benefits of the process are: early detection of design flaws, easily modifiable programs, clear and complete documentation and modular design to improve testing and divide problems into smaller pieces.

SDP is a process that can enable effective communication amongst a group of people. It encourages both listening and speaking skills for information sharing and concept development. This developmental process is critical to my particular innovation because this is a new idea and needs the feedback from individuals to be a useful tool in the home or office environment.

This ontology would benefit my innovation idea by aiding in a group consensus as to what the basis for the initial product launch would be; sharing ideas amongst team members aids in a better end result because various perspectives are considered. Also, there is the mention of influencing factors that can be useful within the décor innovation to find which styles and patterns are more acceptable than others.
I would state that using these types of processes can aid in a minimization in the amount of time and expenses that are spent on ideas and concepts.

Forces: Within this innovation cultural factors must be considered. This is because not all cultures view art in the same mannerisms. Developing a global product is dependent on its cultural acceptance. Also the temporal factor would be an issue with this idea. If the timing of the initial revealing is not planned properly society can be highly unacceptable to the idea. Also production demands must be in place to ensure that the assembly can sustain the consumer needs.


SDDP information available at:

View more at:

Schreibman, V. &  Christakis, A. N. "New agora: New geometry of languaging and new technology of democracy: The structured design dialogue process." Retrieved from

Friday, August 10, 2012

Delphi and NGT

The Delphi Method
Being developed as a toll used for systematic, interactive forecasting relying on a panel of experts, the Delphi method uses data collection and analysis techniques intermingled with feedback (Skulmoski, Hartman, and Krahn, 2007). The use of experts, or structured group of participants, provides more accurate results rather than using individuals who lack expertise in the tested area. This method is known to be one of the more flexible, effective and efficient research methods available for IS graduate students to answer research questions in information systems and to advance the IS body of knowledge (Skulmoski, Hartman, and Krahn, 2007).  This method has three distinct characteristics:

1.       Structured information flow: There is a structured approach to collect information and irrelevant information is filtered.

2.       Consistent feedback on a regular basis: Participants are reminded of their responses throughout the process and are given the choice to revise their earlier statements.  They are also able to comment on the responses of others and on the panel as a whole.

3.       Participants are anonymous: The participants are able to express themselves freely and openly without the need to conform to others around. Their identity is not revealed.  

This method tries to uses informed intuitive judgment in the most effective ways. Trying the best way to use the information that is gathered from the expert’s responses, this method is used to predict what future trends will look like.
The Nominal Group Technique (NGT)
The NGT is defined as an evaluation method that gives a semi-quantitative, rank ordered feedback about a group of individuals’ perceptions of what is good and bad within an educational program (Dobbie, Rhodes, Tysinger, Freeman, 2004).  The method is intended to encourage participation from every individual and thrives on the contributions that are made.  This tool can be used a group of participants varying of any size. With this tool, the decisions need to be made quickly by a vote with all opinions being accounted for.  Solutions are discussed with duplicated solutions being thrown out. Finally the solutions are ranked with the most important one being at the top of the list. This method may be useful where there are group member who are silent or there is concern about participation amongst the members.

This decision making process is one where each participant can be influenced by another. This would not be one of my personal choices only because the results can be distorted by one individual who may have a dominating opinion over the group.  This method lacks flexibility because you can only deal with one problem at a time. The group cannot move on until a decision is agreed upon by all participants. There is also no personal creativeness in the method. Every process is carefully prepared.

Forces which may impact the success:
Social: These methods may not succeed properly if social limitations exist. There must be effective communication in order to use the NGT properly. If a participant prefers to be disconnected and individualized, there would be a great reduction in the successfulness of the method.  

Reliable: How would I be able to rely on the results to be an accurate assessment of the technology?

My choice
For an innovative idea of choice, the open collaboration Delphi method would be one of choice. This is because the model would be used to motivate participants to communicate with each other and learn more about the subject matter in the eyes of the consumer with differing backgrounds other than their own.  In this environment, the participant would be forced to consider the aspects of the entire space which many not normally influence his opinion if here were in an isolated area.

Dobbie, A., Rhodes, M., Tysinger, J. W., Freeman, J. (2004). Using a modified nominal group technique as a curriculum evaluation.

 Skulmoski, G. J., Hartman, F. T., & Krahn, J. (2007). The delphi method for graduate research.
Recreation Tourism Research Institue. (n.d.) The delphi method. Retrieved from

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

TED Talks

Four principles for the open world
The video chosen for this week's assignment was "Don Tapscott: Four principles for the open world." In this twenty minute clip, Don Tapscott has analyzed the new generation of children today and enlightened us that technology is similar to air for these individuals. He attempts to highlight the future in his discussion and works to identify the new concepts we need to understand world today as it is transformed by the Internet. The point he highlights about "the cost of staying where you are becoming more expensive then change" as it relates to technology is becoming more and more applicable as things change. Many companies are incorporating new cloud concepts due to the reduced cost of maintaining their own hardware on site. Tapscott defines openness in the clip in four ways that were very enlightening:

1. Collaboration: organizational boundaries are becoming more open, talent is being viewed differently, and social media is now becoming a means of social production.
2. Transparency: finding out what is going on internally within institutions is becoming easier than ever before therefore companies must spend more time and efforts on strengthening its personal value and integrity to build the trust of the consumers.
3. Sharing: giving up organization asses, sharing common ideas, and embracing a different thinking of intellectual property.
4. Empowerment: the distribution of knowledge, power and intelligence.

The open world brings freedom. Collaboration is something that would be very meaningful for a global embracement however they may be some legal concerns as to whether or not an organization would benefit from releasing proprietary information. Would have a true "collaborative" environment be detrimental to and organization or would it aid in the development of new ideas? Also sharing may be a cultural struggle. Many cultures take pride in knowing that what they know or develop truly belongs to them. Sharing those ideas for everyone to expand upon may be somewhat difficult to embrace at first thought.